We are happy to display that 2007 ASTR scotty "Pottomus" has adapted well to his new family and environs outside Washougal, Washington. Adoptive family Phil and Leslie Oaks have submitted a photograph that shows Potto standing at his regular post, apparently co-existing with his wild neighbors. Pottomus came to rescue during the winter of 2007 with a reputation of being hard to get along with. Time has proven he only needed understanding and the patience of a loving adoptive family.


melissa said...

I'm SO excited to see you now have a blog! I am a Scottish Terrier breeder in Oregon and admire oREGON Scottie rescue so much for the GREAT work you do! KEEP IT UP!
I'm thinking of hosting a 'Scottie Soiree' this summer for past clients. Perhaps we could make it a benefit for Oregon Scottie Rescue while we're at it!!

Earlene said...

Hi, I am so glad that you appreciate Scottie--they are the love of my life. I am just now getting the hang of the "blog" thing. I would like to talk further with you regarding a Scottie Soiree.